Our Expert Grooming Services
Our groomers provide expert pet grooming skills in a hygienic environment ensuring your pet’s health is never compromised. We have a quiet, stress-free state-of-the-art facility. All breeds are welcome.

Grooming fees vary according to breed and the current condition and length of your pet’s hair coat. Call for prices.
VIP Program
Have you ever wanted to have your pet groomed, only to find there were no openings available when you needed them? That will never happen again when you take advantage of our VIP PROGRAM. This special program ensures that you will always have the appointment you need, when you need it. The day and time is selected by you to conform to your busy schedule. Here’s how it works.
A specific appointment is pre-scheduled for your pet at intervals of one to six weeks. This pre-selected interval is yours for as long as you wish. You will receive a reminder call 1 day prior to confirm your appointment. Please book your appointments a week prior during the holidays.
Please call – 623-581-1558 – to make an appointment.
A full groom includes:
- A double shampoo and condition in premium/natural products for all skin and hair types
- Hand fluff dry
- Brushing out of the coat and undercoat to remove dead hair and/or tangles
- Cleaning the ears and plucking the hair if needed
- Removing hair from the pads of the feet, the groin and anal opening
- Toenails trimmed and filed
- Performing the final style
- Perfume and bandana
- VIP Program